Monday, November 24, 2008

Growing individuals and organizations.

My purpose

I utilize Coaching, Facilitation, Mentorship and Training to develop individuals and grow their businesses by helping them to create a competitive advantage and drive sustainable organic growth.

My clients

Corporate national and multinational organizations that constantly need to change their game to remain competitive.

Entrepreneurs in small businesses looking to take their businesses to the next level.

My approach

My Coaching approach

I focus on facilitating the performance, learning and development of individuals in my coaching approach. I do not attempt to give clients answers to their problems, but through a collaborative process I guide them to reach their own creative solutions to problems and opportunities in their personal, professional and business lives.

My coaching model draws inspiration from other well established coaching models (Kolb’s coaching model, Cognitive Behavioral Coaching, Whitmore’s GROW model) providing a structured way of driving creative thinking and problem solving.

My goal is to develop the individual to become self sufficient in the practice of self coaching by the end of the contracted period.


Kolb Learning Styles
This helps individuals to discover their strengths and weaknesses in the four stages of the learning process

VISA (W)hole Leadership Evaluation
Evaluates individual and organizational leadership profiles

My Facilitation approach

I use a Creative Problem Solving process model to facilitate workshops geared at driving innovative outcomes to problems and opportunities.

The model draws from principles used in the Osborne - Parnes innovation model, and Dr Min Basadur’s Simplex model and has evolved over 5 years of experimentation in large and small enterprises.

Consulting and Mentoring

With 25 years of experience in multinational corporate companies in sales, marketing, business development, product development and innovation, I am well placed to offer consulting and mentoring to individuals in corporate and small businesses.


I conduct training for teams to develop and support a culture of Innovation and collaboration. The training is designed to infuse an innovation culture into the organization, across the organization.

I train individuals to run effective meetings geared towards innovative outcomes using a specifically designed process model. My goal is for the individual to become self sufficient in the use of this model in order maintain innovation momentum at the end of the contracted period.


Combining the above services I am able to assist organizations to apply innovation to the following areas:

Developing innovation culture in organizations
Strategic planning
Change management
Marketing and marketing planning
Business development
Sales development
Product development

The case for Innovation

In his book “The Game Changer”, coauthored with Ram Charan, Chairman and CEO of Proctor and Gamble A. G. Lafley described how in June 2000 he took P&G, a huge but struggling multinational organization which had just issued an earnings profit warning in that March, and turned it around increasing P&G’s share price three fold by December 2007.

How did he do it? He says: “My job at P&G is focused on integrating innovation into everything we do. Every business has some central organizing principle that people use as the basis for making decisions, meeting challenges and creating opportunities. For P&G it is Innovation.”

In 2003 at Pfizer Consumer Health Care in South Africa, our management team was challenged to “make the leap” and put our region of Africa and the Middle East on the global company map in terms of our contribution. We launched an innovation initiative across the organization and within 3 years we had improved our profit ratio by 45% and sales were up 75% almost entirely attributed to innovation projects.

It is this inspirational experience, and stories like the P&G success that have motivated me to develop a business that is dedicated to helping others to drive their business to new levels through innovation.

What is Innovation?

Innovation is what gives organizations and individuals the competitive edge they need to leapfrog their competitors.

Innovation is defined as “the act or process of inventing or introducing something new”. In the words of Anita Roddick founder of the Body Shop it is to “Go where your competitors can’t or won’t.”

Innovation transcends creativity in that it takes original ideas and makes them happen. In the business world this means it turns ideas into exponential growth and profit.

Who is Innovation for?

“Since everybody uses ideas, creativity is everybody’s business” – Edward de Bono.

Individuals grow through shifting the way they think and act. Thinking differently and applying this new thinking to driving performance is innovation in action.

Innovation is not confined to product development and R&D, each and every individual in the organization should be using innovative thinking to drive their own development as well as that of the department they work in. Innovative organizations look to be competitive in every aspect of how they run their organization.

How do you develop an innovative organization?

Developing an innovative culture in an organization requires major shifts in thinking and behavior in individuals.

It also requires absolute commitment from the leadership, a collaborative effort from the individuals in the organization, an empowered and motivated workforce, and a culture and processes that support innovation.

Developing such an organization requires a sustained program driven by the business owner or CEO and supported by key management team members.

David Raath Biography

Qualifications: BA, HED (Stellenbosch), CCP (i-coach academy), CPF (IAF)

I have a Certificate in Coaching Practice from the i-coach academy and I am a Certified Professional Facilitator from the International Association of Facilitators.

My international corporate career has spanned 25 years in sales, marketing, and business development, and I have worked on global teams in category management and innovation.

I have a network of local and international innovation facilitator, coaching and project management associates who assist in projects when necessary.

I am a member of COMENSA and the IAF and fully subscribe to the code of ethics of both these organizations.
C +27 (0)82 445 3249
T +27 (0)21 855 2506
F + 27 (0)21 855 3706

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